Over the past couple of days, I’ve been talking about Amalek and how God’s instructions to King Saul were to completely wipe out this oldest arch-enemy of Israel for good.
I also pointed out that while historically speaking most Amalekites were descended from Esau, they are also a pattern or archetype that represents the entire gentile population of the world who opposes God.
When I pointed that out, a lot of folks just went ballistic and started losing their minds.
While I make no apologies for the plain Scriptural truth I communicated, I am sorry if what I said was unnerving or upset anyone.
Look, the gentile church has for centuries made themselves out to be the good guys who are on God’s side, while Israel is spiritually inferior to them.
I’m here to tell you folks, the Biblical reality is quite different.
In today’s article, I wanna do a quick summary of the key points on this topic.
Then hopefully we can move on subject of Saul’s disobedience and why God was so angry with him for not destroying all of the Amalekites and their possessions.
So here are six points that I think nicely summarize the Amalek topic.
FIRST, once God divided the world into Hebrews and Gentiles, Gentiles became the natural-born enemies of God.
And if gentiles are the natural-born enemies of God, by default, it is logical to conclude they are the natural-born enemies of His Chosen People Israel and His Kingdom.
Again, this is because natural-born gentiles are born with the spirit of Amalek.
If you think what I’m saying is hogwash, all you have to do is look at the tension that has always existed between God’s chosen people and any gentile country they have lived in throughout all history.
The ungodly has always had major beef with the Godly.
What happened in Nazi Germany is simply the ultimate expression of this animosity that has always existed between Jews and Gentiles.
Heck, it’s happening again today with all of these pro-Palestinian protesters coming out of the woodwork.
SECOND, native-born Hebrews (not converts) are automatically born as friends of God.
That’s right.
A native-born Hebrew is born as a member of the Kingdom of God.
Thus it should also stand to reason, that if a Hebrew is automatically a friend of God from birth, he or she is also a sworn enemy of Amalek from birth.
This is because a Hebrew is born from a chosen line that has been redeemed by grace.
Again, all you have to do is look at history to know what I’m saying is true here.
THIRD, the salvation of the Hebrews during the Exodus, although an act of grace, was conditional.
When I say conditional, I don’t mean that a Hebrew has to perfectly keep the Law to be saved.
That’s a false construct that Christianity promotes.
Remember, the Law was given to Israel AFTER she was saved by God’s Grace.
There was never any of this “see if you can obey my Law, and that will be the determining factor of whether you’ll be saved or not” nonsense.
When I say conditional, I’m talking about if a Hebrew completely turned away from God.
In that severe situation, God could and might void that Israelite’s redemption.
But that took place on a case-by-case and individual basis.
There was never this wholesale rejection of all of Israel as a nation, and there never will be.
The resurrection of Israel in 1948 is a testament to this fact.
So if a rebellious Hebrew who had turned away from God sincerely repented, he was restored to his original native-born identity as a friend of God.
Yeshua gave a good example of this in his parable of the prodigal son.
Again, this is something that cannot be said of a gentile because a non-Hebrew starts life in a completely different position and status before God compared to an Israelite.
In the “Old” Testament times, gentiles had to give up their “Amalek” identities and be grafted into Israel not just spiritually, but also physically and naturally as well.
I’m talking about a physical circumcision here folks.
This leads nicely to my next point.
FOURTH, in our day and age, God has devised a plan for a gentile to get rid of his or her Amalek identity WITHOUT HAVING TO UNDERGO A PHYSICAL CIRCUMCISION.
And that is through faith, to trust and accept Israel’s Messiah.
This is the only exception to the rule that all gentiles are Amalek or natural-born enemies of God.
This is incredible news!
If you are an unsaved gentile, you can undergo a complete identity transfer and be counted as a friend of God.
In other words, your Amalekite identity and spirit can be exchanged for God’s Holy Spirit.
You can be counted as a Hebrew.
Now, don’t get me wrong here.
The transformation that takes place happens on a divine spiritual level.
Your physical ethnicity or national identity stays the same.
If you’re Chinese, you remain a Chinese.
If you’re Italian, you remain Italian, and so on.
Yet, once you’re born again, God declares you as part of Israel.
You are now part of His chosen and elected people.
You are no longer part of Amalek!
Ain’t that just awesome?!
However, don’t let your joy turn to arrogance or a sense of superiority over those Hebrews who have not yet accepted their Messiah.
Well, this leads to my next point.
FIFTH, Paul makes it clear that when a gentile is born again, he or she has joined Israel, NOT the opposite way around.
I would say this is one of the biggest mistakes mainstream Christian congregations make.
They act as if the Jewish savior is now some kind of gentile messiah…
And that if Jews want to “come to Christ”, they have to give up their Jewish identity and start eating ham sandwiches or something.
That is such an arrogant and Biblically unsound doctrine!
And it’s such an insult to the Messiah who not only is Jewish but who first came for his Jewish brethren.
He said so himself…
“He answered,
‘I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.'”
-Matthew 15:24
I think that’s an important point we shouldn’t overlook.
When God sent His son, He sent him to physical Israel…
And when His son returns, he will also be returning to physical Israel.
So if you’re a gentile, I’d be thanking my lucky stars you have a chance to participate on an equal level in the covenants that God has only made with Israel.
But just keep in mind, that you are exchanging your identity for their (spiritual Israel’s) identity.
Hebrews are NOT exchanging their identity for yours.
I hate it when I attend some Christian Bible study, and one of the members will say something dumb like “Them Jews need to be born again, and join us”.
I’m like...
“No man, they ain’t the ones who were born into an Amalek identity.
You were!
It was you who joined spiritual Israel when you were born again.”
Man, I swear, some gentile churches need to study Romans 11 properly.
Alright, let’s move on to the last and positive point.
SIXTH, as we enter into the final stretch of God’s plan of salvation for all mankind, the Holy Spirit is calling believers from every corner of the globe to throw away all of the old anti-Semitic doctrines that originated in Rome and embrace their true Hebrew Roots.
Millions of gentile believers of every race, nation, and denomination are waking up to the fact they have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel…
They understand that Yeshua didn’t come to start some new religion for Gentiles…
They also get that the Mosaic Law was never a vehicle for salvation and that it was never “done away with”.
Christians have been operating under a mistaken identity for centuries…
But that is all changing now as they reach a new level of understanding that they are now a part of Israel because the one whom they call their Savior is also an inseparable part of Israel.
Well, all I can say is AMEN to that.
See ya next time.
“Therefore, remember your former state:
you Gentiles by birth —
called the Uncircumcised by those who,
merely because of an operation on their flesh,
are called the Circumcised —
at that time had no Messiah.
You were estranged from the
national life of Israel.
You were foreigners
to the covenants embodying
God’s promise.
You were in this world
without hope and without God.
But now, you who were once
far off have been
brought near through the
shedding of the Messiah’s blood.”
-Ephesians 2:11-13
The Gentiles are not now, nor ever have been NATURAL BORN ENEMIES OF GOD.
I know what you are trying to say, but man, you are saying the WRONG things.
Israel will be saved, yes. The Blind Jews, and the Remnent. But WHY?
We have Jesus telling some that they are the children of the devil. That means that they are NOT the children of God. They were not Gentiles, either. So, we have some Jews who are enemies of God.
Ed Chapman
Think of the implications of what you are saying.
You are saying that all gentles after Abraham, who are not Christians, go to hell when they die, because they are born enemies of God.
Romans 2:14-16
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.