You know what I find utterly fascinating about anti-Semitism?
Just how ridiculously irrational it is.
The Gentiles who are against Israel don’t possess any good reason for their hate.
They hate the Jewish people simply because they exist.
This pattern is found in Israel’s chief Biblical enemy Amalek whom God ordered King Saul to destroy.
God had cursed Amalek for mercilessly hating and attacking His people as soon as they left Egypt during the exodus.
They attacked Israel from the rear of the column where the weak, elderly, and feeble were concentrated.
Again, they had no good reason to do so.
Israel hadn’t provoked Amalek or threatened to take their territory.
Amalek hated Israel simply because that was their natural instinct.
Their very nature vehemently opposes God, His People, and His Kingdom.
Here’s another politically incorrect truth that needs to be said.
The Spirit of Amalek is inbred in ALL Gentiles at birth.
The mere existence of Israel is something that triggers their hate and desire to wanna destroy God’s chosen people.
There’s only one solution to this evil gentile inclination that is so against God and all of His plans.
A gentile must be born again and have his or her evil spirit replaced with the Holy Spirit of God.
That is the only way a gentile’s anti-semitic nature can be eradicated…
And lest you think I’m being unfair or promoting gentile hatred or something, understand I say this as a gentile myself.
Ya feel me here?
Hamas’s attack against Israel on October 7th, 2023 is a perfect example of pure irrational Jew hate.
But even before that, there is another perfect historical example of the Spirit of Amalek in action against the Jewish People.
Let’s rewind the tape back to 1948 when Israel was reborn and resurrected as a nation.
God miraculously called His people home and re-established them back in the land.
Then, what happened immediately afterward?
The combined forces of the powerful Arab League possessed by the Spirit of Amalek attacked the Jewish people when they were at their most vulnerable from years of starvation and deprivation at the hands of the nazis.
Again, the question that needs to be asked is why did those Arabs attack a helpless Israel?
Israel hadn’t harmed them.
The answer is they hated Israel simply because Israel existed.
After 19 years of silence, God’s prophecies concerning the redemption of His people and the Promised Land sprang to life and instantly triggered the gentile hate fueled by the spirit of Amalek.
Yet against all odds, God was with His people while they fought for their lives against a much larger Arab military that was hellbent on destroying them.
Israel won that war.
Yet how did the rest of the gentile world respond?
They could’ve cared less as the whole prophetic saga unfolded before their very eyes.
The Gentile world may have treated Israel’s war in 1948 with complete disinterest…
But I believe, the time is coming very soon when no gentile nation is going to be able to ignore Israel as she fights yet another war for her survival.
They won’t be able to ignore Israel because it will DIRECTLY affect them.
I leave you with these verses from the prophet Zechariah.
“The Lord, who stretches out the heavens,
who lays the foundation of the earth,
and who forms the human spirit
within a person, declares:
‘I am going to make Jerusalem a cup
that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling.
Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.
On that day, when all the nations of the
earth are gathered against her,
I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock
for all the nations. All who try to move
it will injure themselves.”
-Zechariah 12:1-3
Be blessed Veronica.