“Achiyah the son of Achituv, I-Khavod’s brother, the son of Pinchas the son of ‘Eli, the cohen of Adonai in Shiloh, was carrying a ritual vest. No one knew that Y’honatan had gone.”-1 Samuel 14:3
I’ve gotta quiz question for you today.
In this war led by Saul, that’s about to commence between Israel and the Philistines, we know the High Priest was present.
However, nowhere is it said the High Priest was present.
So how do we know for sure?
There are actually two reasons.
And yes, this is one of those questions most pastors, preachers, and teachers won’t be able to answer.
But you’re gonna know the answer by the time we come to the end of this post.
Before that though, I need to discuss another topic concerning the High Priest because it plays a key role in Israel’s history moving forward.
This is another issue that completely flies over the heads of most people.
But I’m going to point it out to you now and as we progress through the books of Samuel and Kings.
So here’s what’s up.
Did you know that throughout Israel’s history, there were two lines for the High Priest?
There was a legitimate and an illegitimate line.
Out of Aaron’s sons, only those who descended from Eleazar had a divine right to the High Priesthood according to the Law of Moses.
However, here’s the thing.
Achiyah (the one mentioned here in 1st Samuel Chapter 14) was the great-grandson of Eli.
Recall Eli was Samuel’s mentor from the time Samuel was a young boy.
Now, Eli and his descendants came from the line of Aaron’s youngest son Ithamar which was the illegitimate line!
This means there must have been a power struggle somewhere down the line with the result being that Eli’s family emerged victorious.
So keep this fact tucked away in your back pocket because it’ll come in useful.
The current High Priest (Achiyah) is illegitimate according to Torah.
This is gonna shed much light on Israel’s internal political struggles moving forward.
Alrighty, now let me answer the quiz question as to why we know the High Priest was present even though there is no mention of a COHEN HAGADOL (High Priest) anywhere in the text.
As I said, there are two reasons.
The first reason is we’re told that Achiyah was wearing an EPHOD (the ritual breastplate containing 12 stones each representing one of the tribes of Israel).
Since only the High Priest is authorized to wear the EPHOD, we know the High Priest was present (even though technically, it was a false High Priest as I just explained).
The second reason is to ask yourself what kind of war is about to happen.
A holy war, right?
If that’s the case, who has to preside over a holy war?
Of course, the answer is the High Priest!
Are you feeling me homeroos?
So there you have it.
You’re now one of the lucky few who understands why we know for a fact the High Priest was present in the opening verses of 1st Samuel 14.
Nice piece of historical truth. I never out this together before, so thank you for enlightening me.
Glad you found this enlightening Steve.
Be blessed!