You know what I find funny about the West and especially America?
How we tend to mindlessly demonize “godless” nations like communist Russia and China.
We look at these countries and say to ourselves…
“Boy, when God’s stern hand of justice falls,
those nations are really gonna get it”.
However, there’s just one little detail I think we’re overlooking.
The citizens of those so-called “godless” countries don’t have the freedom to choose…
And they are mercilessly persecuted if they worship or look to the God of the Bible for wisdom and peace.
On the other hand, we in the West who live in a free democracy, possess the right to both elect or remove our leaders.
So let me ask you a question.
Who do you think is gonna face the greater judgment and responsibility for their wicked leaders?
Those citizens who never had the right or opportunity to choose their leaders…
Or those who had every right to vote but instead took the path of indifference, neglect, and bad judgment, and let evil men rise to power.
The answer is pretty obvious, isn’t it?
Yet here in the West, we often ignore the bad choices our leaders make, just as was the case of King Saul.
We may have picked our leaders, but we don’t feel like we have to stick with their bad decisions.
We who possess the freedom to read and study our Bibles and discover the patterns and principles of God’s Word instead choose to ignore the lessons of Scripture, and just go about our own merry way living out our selfish lives in blissful ignorance.
I do believe that on judgment day, the citizens of the free democracies of the West will be more severely punished than those citizens in the “godless” countries who never really had the freedom to begin with.
Ya feel me?
“But the one who does not know and
does things deserving punishment
will be beaten with few blows.
From everyone who has been given much,
much will be demanded;
and from the one who has been
entrusted with much,
much more will be asked.”
-Luke 12:48
High Richoka, you have made a valid point especially, where believers close to the corridors of power and are in place of advice or counsel to authority, knows very well that certain policies are against the ‘Word’ of God and fail to act.
Every individual’s role in governance matters to God.
Definitely, our roles differ from content to contexts. I have voted for some governments based on policies that are or were not implemented. Rather, they do the opposite of some and neglect others.
The systems of democracy could have actually been the best type of governance among others. We are bombarded with very ‘catcy’ Manifestos, but the ‘devi’ is often in the implementation.
There is simply no option once they capture power and decide to do the unthinkable.The sad part is where it becomes mandatory for the cycle to end before the electorate could do much without breaking another law or laws of God.So ‘be-grudge and grumble ‘
The ‘Church’ has travelled for far long since Pentecost. Yet NO single christian leader of a country in the world is able to institute the ‘WORD’ of God as a system for the rule of law for that country and to sustain it..
What a heavenly reward that await such a presidents or leaders.
I wish there was any such country on earth today and I would change my nationality to resettle there. Where there is honour for God and HIS WORD, honour for human dignity and development, care and respect for animals and the environment.
Above all; enjoying a NHI or an Insurance policy to ensure many more people are sponsored by the state to be saved and reach heaven as the top-most priority.