“As long as Sha’ul lived there was bitter war against the P’lishtim. Whenever Sha’ul saw any strong or courageous man, he recruited him into his service.”-1 Samuel 14:52
Today is November 9th, 2023 and Israel is currently at war with the terrorist group Hamas.
You know what amazes me about this battle?
Just how ignorant everyone is about the real source and origin of this conflict.
To shed light on the real cause of this war, I could do no better than to share a quote from Dr. David Tsumura.
This quote is about why Saul failed as a Godly king.
Yet it’s DIRECTLY relevant to the war Israel is fighting today.
Now, in case you don’t know who Dr. Tsumura is, he is currently the Old Testament professor at Japan Bible Seminary.
And is widely considered one of the most formidable “Old” Testament scholars of our times.
One of his most notable contributions to the Biblical world is his commentary on the First Book of Samuel.
In fact, his work in this area was considered so groundbreaking and authoritative that it was added to the “New International Commentary on the Old Testament”.
Now here’s what he had to say about the REAL REASON why Saul ended up a total failure as a leader of Israel…
And also happens to be the REAL REASON why modern Israel today is still warring with its neighbors in Gaza:
“Humanly speaking Saul continued to make progress in strengthening Israel’s military power and administration. His drastic failure will come not from his mishandling of the people or his enemies, but from his neglect and disobedience to God’s Word.”
Did you catch that homie?
Saul’s “drastic failure” had NOTHING to do with his personality problems or leadership style…
It also had NOTHING to do with outside circumstances and the enemies of Israel…
It had EVERYTHING to do with his NEGLECT and DISOBEDIENCE of God’s Word.
This was why he failed…
That is why you and I have failed…
And believe it or not, this is why Israel is at war with Hamas as of this writing.
Because if Israel hadn’t allowed her enemies to survive and fight another day, this never-ending source of oppression and trouble for God’s people wouldn’t even exist today.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Hamas attacked Israel.
That’s what happens when you let a people group hell-bent on wiping you out live right next to you under the guise of peace.
This is a lesson that has been preached and talked about for generations.
Yet people still ignore it.
God ordered Israel to NOT tolerate pagan places of worship in their midst…yet Israel was filled with Canaanite shrines and temples.
God ordered Israel to completely drive out their enemies from the land lest they become a snare…yet Israel let their gentile neighbors stay because it was “cruel” and not a nice thing to drive them out.
God ordered Israel to never under any circumstances give away even one inch of the Holy Land to her enemies…yet Israel continues to engage in peace talks with the nations about some ridiculous 2-state solution (which God is never going to allow by the way) in an attempt to gain the respect and friendship of the world.
I regret to say that ancient Israel has disobeyed every one of these three commands of God concerning her enemies in the Promised Land.
What makes matters worse is that modern Israel today refuses to acknowledge this…
That’s why they continue to make the same mistakes as their ancestors did.
And that’s EXACTLY why Israel is at war with Hamas today…
Again, take a look at verse 1 Samuel 14:52.
It says…
“As long as Sha’ul lived there was bitter war against the Philistines.”
I remind you that the word “Philistine” is the Greek word for the “Palestinian”.
Nothing has changed.
Perfectly said,”same mistake”.
Amen Samson. Thanks for reading.
Just another example of how when you don’t do things the way they are supposed to be done, later they will come back and bite you in the tuchas.
Yup. If you don’t do things right (God’s Way) the first time, there’s ALWAYS a price to pay.