“Shaul and the entire force with him assembled and went to battle, but they found the P’lishtim all fighting each other in utter confusion. The Hebrews from the surrounding countryside who had previously been with the P’lishtim and had gone up with them into the camp deserted and went over to Israel with Sha’ul and Y’honatan. Likewise, on hearing that the P’lishtim were fleeing, all the men of Isra’el who had hidden themselves in the hills of Efrayim pursued them in battle. So Adonai saved Isra’el that day, and the battle spread as far as Beit-Aven.”– 1 Samuel 14:20-23
So Saul gathered his men and rushed to the battle taking place at the camp of the Philistines.
When he arrived, what he encountered was utter chaos and confusion.
The Philistines were fighting and killing each other off!
This happened because some Israelites who had been on peaceful terms with the Philistines suddenly turned on their neighbors.
Imagine the shock if your best friend suddenly betrayed you in a violent manner.
Well, that’s what was going on here on a large scale.
The Philistines had no idea who was their friend or foe.
On top of that, many of the Israelites who had been in hiding suddenly arose to slaughter the Philistines.
They joined Saul’s 600 men and killed many of the enemy troops who were fleeing.
Again, thanks to Jonathan’s boldness in deciding to attack the enemy at great personal risk to himself, the Philistine threat in that area was eliminated for the time being.
And that’s your takeaway for today.
When you step out in bold faith for God, He sows confusion among your enemies to the point where they turn on each other.
And that’s what I got for you today.
See you next time.
P.S. Speaking of God sowing confusion among Israel’s enemies, let’s keep Israel in prayer as they battle Hamas at the moment (today is October 26th, 2023).
Let us pray that God so confuses the enemy that their tactics and actions become futile, even to the point of self-destruction, as what happened during this battle here in 1st Samuel Chapter 14.
P.P.S. Remember, “Palestine” is simply the Greek word for “Philistine”. What happened thousands of years ago is happening again today.
This is my portion
Every battle against me is over
Victory on our side established