“Then the Spirit of Adonai
will fall on you;
you will prophesy with them
and be turned into another man!”
-1 Samuel 10:6
What exactly do the Hebrew Scriptures mean when it talks about prophesying?
This is a question that has always puzzled preachers, teachers and scholars alike…
We shouldn’t be surprised at this ignorance of course…
Because your average pastor’s understanding of the Hebrew Bible is about equivalent to the cockroach I killed in my kitchen last night…
See, the biggest error the Western Church commits when it comes to grasping the true Scriptural meaning of “prophesying” is to think that it’s just inspired or excited speech.
Or they’ll interpret it as some kind “word from God” that’s meant to be communicated to some other homie in the congregation.
The somewhat scholarly term used to refer to “prophesying” in the gentile Christian world is “ecstatic speech”.
This term is usually connected to Pentecostal or charismatic congregations.
Anyways, let’s get down to business.
So what is the legitimate meaning of “to prophesy” according to the Hebrew Scriptures?
Well, like many key Hebrew concepts in Scripture, there are actually multiple meanings.
Here are 4 different contexts where the activity of prophesying takes place in the Scriptures.
FIRST, it is often accompanied with musical instruments, song and dancing.
In this context, it is basically praying or singing out loud in celebration to God.
SECOND, another form of prophesying that takes place in the Scriptures is speech being uttered while one is in a trance, usually while they’re in a semi-dream state or in a trance of some sort.
THIRD, as you know, a “prophet” is an official office of God.
A Hebrew ordained as a prophet was usually called to issue a divine warning, predict something that was gonna happen in the future, or give a specific instruction to a king.
FINALLY, in the New Testament, prophesying is usually connected to teaching God’s Word.
However, one person in the New Testament who was similar to the “Old” Testament prophets was John.
He was one of the original disciples who was banished to the island of Patmos.
Of course, we all know him today as the author of the Book of Revelations.
So here’s the takeaway I’m getting for today.
There’s a lot of people in the gentile world proclaiming themselves prophets…
And they’re ALL false…
Why can I say that with 100% conviction?
Because there ain’t no such as a gentile prophet…
Such an animal doesn’t exist.
I’ve been called a false prophet many times by a lot of people I’ve pissed off over the years with this blog.
But here’s the thing homies.
I’ve never claimed to be a prophet.
Plus, I’m a gentile…
So it’s impossible I could ever be a legitimate prophet.
And that’s your takeaway for today.
In the Hebrew Bible, there ain’t no such thing as God approving a non-Hebrew prophet on the same level as Jeremiah or Isaiah…
And there never will be…
Ya feel me?
Sure there were instances of non-Israelites who received specific messages or insights from God for a particular purpose…
But they were NEVER established as major prophetic figures with ongoing roles within the Israelite community.
All biblical prophets were from the Israelite lineage and were chosen to deliver messages to the Israelites.
So if you ever encounter some gentile pastor, preacher or teacher who claims he’s some legitimate prophet from God (this also includes all of the messianic pastors and preachers masquerading as Jews), you can instantly write him off as both delusional and false.
And again, just for the record…
I am NOT a prophet…
I have never ever claimed to be one…
And will never be one.
Hi Richoka, hope you are doing great.
Thanks for your unwavering efforts on teaching the word of God.
I read this article again and again, yet i cannot come to terms with you 100% as you concluded.
First and foremost, the scriptures are living words that have the ability to regenerate to fulfill God’s purpose at different times and places.
There is no argument about tthe fact that there were only Jew prophets during the biblical era. However, it is important note that the gentiles were grafted into the commonwealth of God’s people not as’ second class ‘.
If we must be consistent with the word of GOD, that we are not given different laws, why should we even assume that ‘gifts and callings’ are treated based on Jews vrs Gentiles ?
In the instants that you say you are not a prophet, is understandably because i cannot tell all about you. However, what you teach and how you teach, i don’t need anyone or a Jew to show me your tribe among the 12.
In my early days, we were taught as Catholics;that Jesus is the last prophet in the order. As a result of that i fought with any one who said he is /was a prophet .
Upon further observations, there are people that are endorsed by God and we may practically be denying ourselves or others what is due them.
Genuine prophets don’t go about telling people how powerful they are in society. The pharisees asked John the baptiser; who are you . . , Jesus asked his disciples that who do the people say he was ? etc they didn’t impose themselves with their titles but the ‘wok ‘ they did was evident to convict those who are sincerely seeking God
The name goes with a purpose,but the titles are not the most important and God is still extending His territory through the work of those who avail themselves.
Ephesians 4 : 11, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:11-12, NIV).
Thanks boss, bare with us, sometimes I differ with your comments, largely ; you are a blessing to our generation.
May increase your lot