Let’s say one sunny afternoon you left your home and decided to walk down to the local supermarket to pick up some bread or something.
When you arrive at the supermarket, there was a funny old man standing in the parking lot.
He calls you over and says he’s been waiting for you.
Surprised you ask why…
The man tells you you’ve been chosen and set-apart by God and been given great authority, position and responsibility to lead his people.
Then all of a sudden he pulls out a bottle of some olive oil and starts pouring it on top of your head.
Now let’s be honest here.
If this really happened, outside of probably being outraged at having your head doused in olive oil, would you believe that old man?
That you had suddenly been placed in a position of authority over God’s people?
Especially when you didn’t feel any different or experience anything supernatural…other than possessing a now very oily head?
I think you can appreciate the skepticism Saul felt when Samuel told him out of the blue he was gonna become Israel’s first king.
Saul needed some proof.
That’s why Samuel gave him 3 predictions which were to be the evidence Saul needed.
We’ve already discussed the first 2 predictions.
The first prediction was when Saul passes by Rachel’s tomb, he will meet 2 men who will tell him his donkeys have been found and that his father is now worrying about his whereabouts.
The second prediction was when he arrives at a place called the Oak of Tabor, he would meet three men, each who would respectively be carrying three goat kids, three loaves of bread and a skin pouch filled with wine.
The sign is one of the men will give Saul two loaves of bread and he is to accept them.
So now we come to the third and final prediction Saul would experience.
Saul is to journey to a place called GIBEAH-ELOHIM (Giv’ah of God in English), a place located about 3 miles north of Jerusalem.
When he arrives, he’ll run into a group of NABI or “prophets”.
These prophets will be praising the Lord by playing their musical instruments.
When that happens, suddenly the RUACH (Spirit) of God will descend upon Saul and then he too will also begin prophesying right alongside the prophets.
This final and 3rd prediction will put to rest any doubts swirling around inside of Saul’s head that he had just been made king.
See, here’s the thing homies.
Saul was going through a journey of self-discovery here!
Keep in mind he wasn’t seeking to become king.
He was just searching for a bunch of lost donkeys.
Becoming a ruler over Israel was the last thing on his mind when his whole world was turned topsy turvy literally overnight.
So what spiritual lesson can we take away from all of this?
I think it boils down to these two questions.
“What mission do you think God has called you to in this life?”
“And what proofs has he given you to validate your mission?”
Let me answer those two questions for myself.
So what mission do I think God has called me to in this life?
I believe the God of Israel has called me to preach and teach the relevance of the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures to all believers all over the world.
What evidence do I feel He has given me to validate this mission?
The answer to the second question is the Lord has given me an undying and burning passion to wanna blog through His Word daily…
No matter how busy I am…
No matter how tired I am…
No matter how unmotivated I feel…
There is a supernatural force that keeps me going and going and going and I ain’t got no plans to stop yet…
I’ve known other blog ministries that started, stopped, and now they’re gone.
I mean how many nuts do you know who have literally spent years and years and thousands and thousands of hours blogging through the Scriptures?
I’ve doing this for close to 10 years now folks.
But enough talk about me…
I’d love to hear from YOU.
So right now while you’re on this page, reply in the comments with your answers to the following two questions:
“What mission do you think God has called you to in this life?”
“And what proofs has he given you to validate your mission?”
Remember these two questions are guaranteed to strengthen your relationship with the Creator of the entire universe.
Not only will I promise to read every reply…
I’ll be saying a special prayer for you that God will give you extra strength and supernatural power to accomplish your mission.
Hope to hear from you!
Be blessed!
Mission :
My mission is to evangelize,;preach and win souls for The Kingdom of Jahovah God
The proofs:
Anytime i walk in this work i have unmatched inner peace even if things are not good physically
I feel something must be done , if for a long time i am not able to go out to share the word of God
Thanks sir
Thank you so much for sharing Abraham.
I love this!
“Unmatched inner peace” is something a lot of people search for and never find…whether young or old or rich or poor.
You seem greatly blessed.
Will say a special prayer for you that God will give you great success on your mission.
Please I love to hear this feedback from you
I am also grateful to God for your prayers
God reward you in abundance
Will pray for you this Shabbat…
I can sense in my spirit that God appreciates the sincere spirit you have towards Him.
Be blessed!
God has called me to pray for the salvation of all – 40 miles in every direction from a place called the Uffington White Horse Hill!! The first time I went past the hill the Holy Spirit said welcome home. So far I’ve been given two disused churches and have started taking services. Everything you speak about resonates with me all the time! I just watch Him work!!
I love the specificity of this Veronica!
Thank you for sharing…
Will say a special prayer for you that God gives you great success in your mission…
Be blessed!
Thanks for posing these two questions. Never even considered how unexpected this would have been to Saul. You have a way of making people think homie. I have seen evidence in my life over and over again as how I am used by our creator to exhort and counsel. As you know there is much so called counsel out there that is nothing but religious garbage. Thanks for your counsel and exhortation it is appreciated.
Glad you found this edifying David.
Be blessed!
He has called me to be a teacher / preacher in our fellowship. I am able to teach once or twice a month, in rotation with two other guys. I teach with expectation and enthusiasm for the wonders that can be found in His Word.
I am confirmed in this by the (1) energy I feel when preparing, (2) encouraging feedback from my wife and other hearers, and (3) clear sense of guidance – while preparing and speaking – on what to NOT say
Hey Eric!
I love that the Lord has confirmed your gift of teaching with the 3 specific signs you shared here.
I’ll pray for you that you’ll continue to be blessed in this ministry…
If you ever feel called to do a guest post for the Messianic Revolution, please let me know.
Thanks for the reply, Rich. I just sent you an email through the contact form.
Thanks Eric. I checked but don’t seem to have received it. Be blessed!
I’ll use the contact form again in a few minutes.
If you still don’t get it, maybe you could shoot me an email – I don’t have your direct address. Thanks