Yesterday I talked about how the Gentile Christian church due to their blatant anti-Semitism literally erased the 1st Command of the ten commandments…
And then broke up the 2nd Commandment into two commands so everything would add up to 10 again.
I also said the 1st Commandment is the quintessential Biblical declaration concerning Israel’s salvation.
Again, to make sure there’s no misunderstanding, I’m talking about the REAL 1st commandment, NOT some doctored-up Gentile version.
Here it is again in all its pristine glory:
“I am Yehovah your God
who brought you out of
the Land of Egypt, out
of the abode of slavery”
This is the REAL 1st commandment…
Now why is this so critical to understand?
Because when we get this point mixed up, we end up with all manner of distorted doctrines.
And all you have to do is look at the institutional Gentile church to see that I’m right.
The Lord did NOT take an unsaved people to Mount Sinai and then give them His Law.
No homies…
He saved them FIRST…
And then AFTERWARD, gave them His Law.
Got it?
Let me say that again for the thick-headed and the stubborn.
By His Grace, God delivered His People Israel from bondage to the enemy FIRST…
And then AFTERWARDS, when their hearts were spiritually ready to receive Him…
Only then did He give His people His Laws and commandments.
That’s why the 1st Commandment is soooooooooooooooooooooo freakin’ important!
Ya, feel me here?
God’s first declaration to Israel contained two key points.
FIRST, it announced they were saved.
SECOND, it made it clear WHO had saved them.
Now, this cements another critical point we’d be remiss to overlook.
The Bible is ONLY for Israel and those grafted into Israel…
Which by default means the commands of Holy Scripture ONLY belong to those who have declared allegiance to the God of Israel…whether Jew or Gentile.
Or another way to put it…
The uncircumcised and unbelieving gentile is only obligated to obey ONE command…
And that is to…
“Trust in the Lord Yeshua,
and you will be saved —
you and your household!”
-Acts 16:31
The path to peace with the Almighty is NOT: follow His laws and then as a result come to trust in Him
No man, instead, it is trust in Him first, and then, as a result, follow His laws.
Can you see how modern Christianity has got it all screwed up?
This idea that the expected response after becoming a believer is to stop obeying God’s commands is an absurdity of gargantuan proportions.
That this has become one of Christianity’s chief doctrines is all the evidence one needs to see how far from the true Messianic faith this pagan and gentile religion has fallen.
I’m done.
“I was sent only to
the lost sheep of Israel.”
-Matthew 15:24
I made the following comment on the OTHER article, but I wish to expand on this article.
You had said that the following is the first commandment?
““I am Yehovah your God
who brought you out of
the Land of Egypt, out
of the abode of slavery”
Now, before I knew what religion even was, I was taught the difference between a STATEMENT, and a COMMANDMENT. I think I was in the 3rd grade.
What you quoted was a statement only, that lead up to a commandment.
I sure hope you are not teaching the Japanese children the English language.
Regarding what you said:
“The Lord did NOT take an unsaved people to Mount Sinai and then give them His Law.”
No one is saved yet. NO ONE. Salvation is a FUTURE event, at the moment that we get our resurrected bodies. Until then, NO ONE is saved. We have a SEAL OF PROMISE that we WILL BE SAVED, but no one is saved right now. It ain’t over until the FAT ANGEL sings.
Faith, defined by Hebrews 11:1 is based on God’s PROMISE of Eternal life that we are WAITING (HOPE) for.
The Children of Israel are USED by God to tell a STORY about it.
The Promised Land and Promised Seed is a two-fold story. It’s about both Isaac, and Jesus, Canaan, and ETERNAL LIFE.
The Jews have YET to PERMANANTLY reside in THEIR land. They got there, but were kicked out. But Ezekiel 36-37, that’s when the FAT ANGEL will sing for them.
But, for those who convert to Christianity, they could care less about a small piece of real estate in the middle east.
Hebrews 11:16
But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
Eternal life is the REAL promise, through Jesus. The Physical Land of Israel is the CARNAL promise, through Isaac.
God rescued the Jews from SLAVERY, just like God rescues us from SIN. Right now, we are all wandering the desert, just like they did, in our Christian walk. We ain’t at the PROMISED LAND yet. Right now, it’s just a PROMISE, sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit, just like the Jews were sealed with CIRCUMCISION.
The Jews were NOT SAVED before they got to Sinai. NO ONE is saved NOW. Not even the most pious, rightoues, humble Christian on the planet, whoever he/she may be. Not until they cross the Jordan, and get that promise that 1 Cor 15 talks about. A new body.
Ed Chapman
Check these articles out homie:
Romans 13:9
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
If what you said was true, then God would have sat Adam and Eve down and given the THE LAW of do’s and don’ts LONG BEFORE they got hungry.
But the only thing God told them was to NOT PLAY WITH MATCHES, because they will get BURNT.
In other words, he WANTED them to REMAIN ignorant. The Serpant told them, “Stop being so ignorant, and get EDUCATED”.
So, they had LUNCH before they got EDUCATED, and were pretty smart all of a sudden, with KOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. That was knowledege that God didn’t want them to have.
FEEL ME? Oh, that’s GROSS, DUDE!
Seems that many have NO IDEA that Faith and Law are CONTRARY to one another. They do not complement each other at all.
I always love when such folks quote Romans 6:1 through ONLY HALF of verse 2, instead of reading the REST OF THE STORY.
Ed Chapman
My personal testimony will confirm that we must first choose to have faith, and when we do that we will then be rewarded with the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) IF we ask for, and are willing, to receive it.
I decided to pray to God and to accept that Yeshua was the Messiah he promised, but I wasn’t really sure- I chose to have faith, and it took nearly three months of faithful activity- prayer and attending Shabbat services at a Messianic synagogue, before I felt a strong desire to go forward and receive an anointing. At the very moment the Rabbi anointed my forehead, I felt- physically- the Ruach enter my body.
Faith is not an event, and it is not something we get, it is something we choose. We choose to believe in God, we choose to believe Yeshua is his Messiah, and then we must also choose to live our lives- both worship and everyday- in the way that God said to live, and not how some religion tells us to live.
And God tells us how to worship him and treat each other in one place, and one place only- the Torah.
I would say, though, Rich, that the Bible is for everyone, but it only has the power (or potential) to save us from eternal damnation when we choose to believe it.
I wouldn’t disagree with anything you said here. Thanks for sharing your testimony brother.
I agree you demonstrates great insght and a good knowledge of holy scriptures, i learned a lot from you, no one ever mentioned in my life . I salute your hardwork.
When it comes to your position on the gentile church, it seems to me that, most often, you over stretch negative views against the reality.
For instance, I grew from the gentile and still, but are made to take scriptures seriously, Believe and trust in GOD,and also trust in Jesus Christ , the Jews Messiah as the only Saviour.
Before we got baptised into Christ, we must study the commandments from the old testament and profess our believe in God and Christ as the only Saviour.
Since childhood we are encouraged to go for confession of sins bassically on the commandments. Why would a gentile church teach their children and encourage them on a subject they oppose?
Obviously,the Old Testament gave birth to the New Testament.
The Old Testament is the origin
The New Testament is Revealed out of the OLD
But there are variations as in the applications
Sometimes it seems some commentaries rather confuses their audience;who are genuinely seeking the TRUTH
I am not teaching you any new topic.
Just look at a few
What the Apostle Paul preached to the gentiles about circumsicion was NOT fugirative
Paul warned Gentile Christians that the advocates of circumcision were “false brothers” (Gal 2:4), and wrote: “Are you so foolish, that, whereas you began in the Spirit, you would now be made perfect by the flesh?” (Gal 3:3)
Similar variations are found across the whole of Old and New.
Jesus disapproval of divorce which was instituted by Moses
He said in the beginning it was not …
Rituals of cleansings and sacrifices etc
I dare NOT contest their relevance at time or even now.
Even the teachers of the LAW in the days of Jesus got a number things pertaining to the LAW wrong but it all turned out for our improvement in the knowledge of the word of God.
I am not challenging every scripture in the Old Testament as if they have expired or because they are too old they are dead. However some of them render themselves for interrogation based on how they functioned.
God is Spirit and He communicates to us in a language we understand. However your research has proven that the very language spoken 3000 years is not the same today.
When Jesus said ‘ it was said in the past that anyone who kills is liable for judgment, but I tell you that if you are angry . .
I am not looking at it in a logic sense,only, whether it must be carried out to merit punishment but also from the spiritual aspect
. As a child of God, I believe my thoughts can be very powerful
the same applies to my silent or secret prayers which got answered though they were not spoken
The fear is that; who can escape these temptations in life ?
how do I manage my anger towards others?
but in case I sin,
The good news
I believe in the forgiveness of sins; in the name of Yeshua
If we acknowledge our sin, repent of it and ask for forgiveness of sin, in the name of Yeshua
So when you over generalise the matter it sounds different from what you intend to communicate.
Many thanks
Hi Abraham,
Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts…
Especially this comment: “When it comes to your position on the gentile church, it seems to me that, most often, you over stretch negative views against the reality”.
Perhaps you’re right…
However, there is also a part of me that makes no apology for clearly stating the truth that needs to be said.
And I say these things as a gentile myself who used to attend a typical Christian church…
By the way, based on your testimony above, it seems like you attended a great congregation…
Forgive me if I get highly emotional when I write about some of these things…
It’s because I’m writing about something I feel very passionately about.
Be blessed.
Thanks for your honesty
Sometimes it seems there is a ‘war’ between Jews and gentiles that can never be remedied.
We find sheer ‘extremim ‘ at both ends.
The truth is that, there is a middle-ground for Jews and Gentiles who are seeking the TRUH, meets without loosing our identity as a true children of God
God Bless you so much
Hi Abraham,
No worries…
The war is ending…
For there is “neither Jew nor Greek in the body of Messiah”…
Or I should say the “body of the JEWISH Messiah”…
Because again, as I keep harping on, a gentile’s salvation is based ONLY on the covenants that God has made with Israel and Israel alone.
Be blessed!
Wrong. That covenant was given to Abraham, not Israel. The promise to Israel was land and isaac. The promise to everyone was eternal life through Jesus. Israel is Jacob, not Abraham. Jews get land, we get eyeball life. Jews have to work for it, we get out by faith alone.
Ed Chapman
Eternal, not eyeball. Oops.