As I was saying yesterday, no major historical event occurs in a vacuum.
There are always multiple unnoticed factors that cause certain circumstances to arise…
And Saul being made king over Israel ain’t no exception homies.
Let’s look at some of the political forces that led to his sudden rise to power from obscurity.
First, Saul’s tribe (Benjamin) was allied with the largest coalition of Israelite tribes: the Northern Confederation.
Second, as soon as Joshua set foot on Canaanite soil, Israel split up into different political factions.
Oh, wait a minute…
Let me correct myself here.
Israel split up BEFORE they even crossed the Jordan to enter into the Promised Land.
Remember the 2 tribes of Reuben and Gad and about 1/2 of all the clans that formed Manessah?
These homies decided they didn’t even wanna enter the Promised Land with the rest of their Hebrew brothers and sisters.
This decision caused so much religious and political tension a civil war almost broke out!
So you could say ancient Israel was politically fractured as all hell pretty much from day one.
2 1/2 tribes didn’t even wanna enter into their God-given inheritance…
And the 9 1/2 tribes that did enter the land broke off into different factions as soon as they passed through Canaanite customs when they crossed the border.
And speaking of borders, we can’t overlook the impact that geography played in all of this.
Take my country, America for example.
The United States is surrounded by oceans on its eastern, western, and southern borders.
You know what this means?
It’s very difficult for foreign military forces to launch large-scale attacks on its mainland.
But there ARE two countries the US desperately wants to maintain harmony with.
They are Canada and Mexico.
Simply because of their close proximity…
Especially compared to countries located across thousands of miles of ocean.
Physical distance has always been a key factor that determines political alliances and whether or not certain nations and their cultures build close relationships with each other.
So how about Israel?
In a nutshell, Israel has mountains that separate their land into the north and the south.
This is a natural barrier that no doubt contributed to the eventual political split of Israel into Northern and Southern kingdoms.
And let’s not forget the Jordan River.
This also served as a major borderline separating regions and nations from each other.
During ancient times it flowed at a much stronger rate than it does today…
This also had political consequences.
How so?
Because the direction in which it flowed resulted in the North being much more fertile than the South.
Ya, feel me?
More fertile land means it’s much easier to grow food which means it’s much easier to support a larger population…
This is why the Northern Kingdom housed a whopping total of 10 tribes compared to the 2 tribes in the South…
Not to mention the fact the mountains were both major transportation and communication barriers.
Can you see how all of these factors would contribute to the great split of Israel into Northern and Southern Kingdoms in the future?
Now you know I’m all about extracting lessons from Scripture and applying it to our personal lives.
So what are some personal takeaways we can get from all of this?
In your walk with God, be aware of the political and environmental circumstances that undoubtedly affect your faith journey.
Ya, feel me?
What people, friends or foes, support your faith or stand in the way?
Or how about your environment?
I’m talking about the neighborhood, society, and country you live in.
For instance, the other day I came across a story about a young lady by the name of Malal Yousafzai.
She’s from Pakistan and gained international recognition by advocating for girls’ education globally…
She’s also the youngest person in history to win a Nobel Prize at the age of 17.
But, just a few years earlier she was almost killed by the Taliban.
Had she not been relocated to the United Kingdom for medical treatment and safety, the bullet wounds she suffered would’ve been fatal.
This is a perfect example of how your physical environment can either help you or hurt you.
Ya, feel me?
It’s important to be cognizant of these things man!
So that’s your takeaway for today.
Thanks so muck for your undying passion for teaching and sharing the word of God.
GOD bless you sir
And thank you for your passion in following and reading my posts.
It’s warm encouragement like this that keeps me going.
Be blessed!