In considering Saul’s life from a prophetic perspective, here’s what you gotta know.
In many ways, Saul’s life overlaps with the coming Messiah or the ideal king of Israel.
So let’s take a look at some of these patterns.
But while examining these similarities, keep in mind, there is one glaring difference between the two men.
Saul was a flawed human being while Yeshua was NOT.
Saul was born from the flesh of man with an Adamic sin nature.
Yeshua was born from the Spirit and anointed by the Almighty since the beginning of time.
So with that perspective in mind, let’s get started.
“Both Men Were Born To Small Families In Small Villages”
Saul hailed from the village of Gibeah and belonged to the family of Kish.
Yeshua hailed from Nazareth and came from a humble family of carpenters.
“Both Men Were Humble And Obedient To Their Parents”
Saul was diligent in following his father’s instructions to search for the lost donkeys when they went missing.
In Yeshua’s case, aside from that incident when he as a young boy of twelve went to Jerusalem for the Passover, and on the return journey, he stayed behind without his parents’ knowledge, Yeshua always appeared to honor his parents.
He still returned with them to Nazareth and growing up likely worked as a carpenter alongside his earthly father.
And one of the most poignant moments highlighting Yeshua’s care for his mother is found in John 19:25-27 when He was on the cross.
He entrusted His mother to the care of the apostle John, showing concern for her well-being even in His final moments.
“Both Men Were Given The Mission To Search For Their Father’s Lost Possessions”
And Saul was tasked to search for his father’s lost donkeys…
And Yeshua was to search for and save the lost sheep of Israel.
“Both Men Ran Into Some Mysterious ‘Prophet’ Out In Some Remote Location Who Had Been Expecting Them”
In Saul’s case, it was Samuel.
In Yeshua’s case, it was John the Baptist.
“Both Prophets Immediately Recognize The Man As The One Whom God Has Sent To Be Ruler Over His People”
Samuel immediately understood and accepted that God had chosen Saul to be king…
And John the Baptist knew that God had sent Yeshua to be the Messiah and King over Israel.
“Both Prophets Anointed The Chosen King In A Simple Ceremony”
Samuel anointed Saul in Ramah by pouring oil over his head…
And John baptized Yeshua in the Jordan River.
“The Holy Spirit Descended Upon Both Men After Their Anointing”
In Saul’s case, this happened when he ran into a group of prophets.
With the Messiah, it happened immediately after he was baptized by John.
In Yeshua’s case, we’re told…“heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him“.
“After Being Empowered By The Holy Spirit The Anointed Both Men Begin To Prophesy And Do Mighty Deeds In The Father’s Name”
With Saul, again it happened when he ran into that group of prophets.
With Yeshua, were told that after his baptism, he went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.
“Both Men Were Taken To High Places To Face Their Arch-enemies”
In Saul’s case, it was the Philistines.
In Yeshua’s case, it was Satan.
“Both Men Were ministered To By Mysterious Beings At A High Place Called The Hill Of God”
In Saul’s case, again it happened at the high place where he encountered the group of prophets.
In Yeshua’s case, it happened after being tempted by the devil
“Both Men Hid Their Identity As The Chosen King From The Public At Large Until The Right Moment”
In Saul’s case, when Samuel gathered the people at Mizpah to publicly reveal the new king, Saul was hidden among the supplies, then Samuel cast lots to select the tribe, clan, and finally, Saul himself to reveal God’s choice to the people without explicitly announcing it.
In Yeshua’s case, he told his disciples he was the Messiah but to keep that fact under wraps for the time being.
“The Majority Of Israel Did NOT Have Faith In Either Saul Or Yeshua And Didn’t Accept Them As Saviors”
In Saul’s case, when it was finally revealed he would be King, some folks were excited but many others were skeptical (1 Samuel 10:24-27).
In Yeshua’s case, pretty much the same thing happened.
While many Israelites accepted him, the official establishment in his day rejected him…and we all know what the result of that was.
So there you’ve got the 12 patterns.
Let’s transition over to the takeaway.
So here’s the big picture I want you to catch in this ultimate comparison between the failed Messiah of King Saul and the successful Messiah of King Yeshua.
First, Saul is the first earthly king of Israel and Yeshua will be Israel’s last earthly king.
But there’s an even bigger picture I want you to catch here.
It’s a picture of a historical circle reaching its full culmination.
Notice how YAHWEH is Israel’s original king and deliverer?
But then, because of the people’s rebellion, starting with Saul, Israel will have to suffer through a series of flawed and failed kings?
Finally, after all of these failures, as history comes to a close, notice how the God of Israel will appear once again…
He will take back control from the failed earthly ruler (the anti-Christ at that time) and once again God Himself will re-assume His rightful place on the throne with His Son sitting at his right hand.
Now ain’t that the coolest thing you’ve heard all this week?
Oh, and just to be clear, when I say the “God of Israel”, I’m talking about YAHWEH here homies, not Yeshua, these are two SEPARATE beings, one is God and is NOT…
Ya feel me on this point?
See ya all next time.
“And crying out with a loud voice,
‘Salvation belongs to our God
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb!'”
-Revelation 7:10
Psalm 110:1
“יהוה says to my Adon[15], Sit at MY right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
BTC footnote [15] –
“[15] Vs 110:1 – Adon. This ‘Adon’ here is referring to the future Mashiach, Son of David. Vs 4 states that He will be ‘kohen forever in the order of Melchizedek’ (which David is not). Xref Mt 22:45 where this psalm is quoted by Mashiach YAHshua, in reference to Himself.”
Excerpt From
BTC 5Aug23
Further to above BTC footnote [15]:
Here is Mathew 22:43-45 >
“22:43 He said to them: How then does David in spirit call him Adon, saying:
22:44 ADONAI said to my Adon, sit on MY right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet? [Ps 110:1]
22:45 If then David calls Him Adon, how is He his son?[52]”
BTC footnote [52] –
“[52] Vs 22:45 – son of David. By this question to the scribes, Mashiach is by no means denying that He is the Son of David (otherwise He cannot be the Mashiach). By highlighting here that even David calls Him Adon, He is pointing them to the more critical (parallel) fact that He is not only the Son of David, but also the Son of ELOHIM (which is what they have been refusing to acknowledge). Being the only begotten (Firstborn) Son of ELOHIM (and also Son of David), He is ‘Adon of adonim, and Melek of melachim’ (Rev 17:14), even over David. XRef Lk 20:44; Mk 12:37.”
Nicely said Gim. Another way to solve the mystery of a person being a son and also a master… if my son were my boss, he would not only be my son, but also master (Adon). I know it’s a simplistic way to look at it, and I’m sure there are any other examples.
Thanks Wayne.
Reckon Son/Daughter/ Father etc pertains to familial relationships; whilst Lord/ Master/ Servant/ Shaliah etc pertains to hierarchy/ rank/ social relationships.
Nice Gim!
Hope all is well!
It was great connecting with you the other day.
Be blessed.
Take care & shalom Rich.