Alrighty, so here’s another truth bomb I gotta drop.
Fueled by anti-semitic bigotry, gentiles have been attacking the “Old” Testament ever since the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine.
How have the gentiles been attacking the “Old” Testament?
Simply by finding sneaky ways to assert the texts aren’t valid any longer.
How do they that?
The answer to that is also simple.
They say since a good portion of the Hebrew Bible was edited, re-edited and written after the events contained in it occurred.
Therefore, it can’t be reliable.
Well, there’s only one problem with that argument.
And a perfect case in point are the four gospels themselves!
Especially the so-called Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
They’re called the synoptic gospels because they contain many of the same stories in the same order…
And sometimes even with identical wording.
These 3 gospels stand in contrast to John whose contently is largely distinct.
Now here’s what’s interesting.
The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke weren’t even called “Matthew”, “Mark” and “Luke” until around the beginning of the 3rd century AD!
That’s right man.
Each one of these gospels were written ANONYMOUSLY.
“Anonymously” means we don’t know who the heck wrote ’em.
In fact, in the early church, there were multiple Gospel accounts circulating around.
And then later on, the names “Matthew”, “Mark” and “Luke” were assigned to the gospel accounts we know today in a somewhat random fashion to distinguish one from the other.
So don’t fall for the falsehood that Matthew, Mark and Luke (yes, Luke too homies!) were the authors of the books they’re now named after.
Over and out.
Link me up to your direct website pls
A little confused. If you were able to comment on my site, that means you’re directly linked to it.
This is it:
Are you saying that the gentiles just picked, for convenience/clarity, three of the apostles and assigned them authorship?