Alrighty, people are losing their freaking minds over me saying the New Testament is NOT on the same level as Holy Scripture (aka the Hebrew Bible or the “Old” Testament).
Look man, here’s what you gotta understand.
I just didn’t pull that idea out of my rear end after eating too many spicy beef tacos or something.
This ain’t some revolutionary new academic theory that suddenly sprung onto the scene.
What I’m telling was you was commonly accepted and common knowledge among the early Hebrew Messianic believers.
It’s the idea that the New Testament is somehow on the same level as the “Old” Testament that’s revolutionary.
And not in a good way because it was connected to anti-Semitism in the early Roman church.
Look, I think we really need to exercise our good ‘ole common sense a little more when it comes to understanding how our Bibles came to be.
For instance, it’s commonly understood that Moses wrote the Torah, right?
I mean that’s why they’re called the 5 Books of Moses.
But let me ask you this.
Who wrote the portion of Torah that took place AFTER Moses’ death?
See what I’m getting at here homies?
So obviously the entire Torah couldn’t literally have been penned only by Moses.
I mean like…DUUUUHHH!
Or how about the book of Genesis for example?
The contents of this entire book took place BEFORE Mose was even born.
So any knowledge about this period that Moses recorded he received directly from the Lord on Mount Sinai or the information was handed down to him via word of mouth from those who came before him.
Most likely it was a combination of both an oracle from God and info he got from those who came before him.
Rant over.
As always I totally agree with you re Torah
Thank you Veronica. Be blessed.
What people need to understand is that the Torah, the 5 books, are not in any exact chronoligical order, and even within a book, such as Numbers, the events that are recorded are not in the exact order they happened.
Moses did write the first 5 books of the Bible, and a couple of psalms, as well, most of which were written hundreds of years after his death.
It is generally accepted that at the end, when Moses ascended Mt. Nebo, that Joshua completed the Torah.
Thanks for sharing your insights brother. Shalom.