Before we start diving deep into 1 Samuel, there’s a crucial lesson from the book of Judges I need to remind you about.
The era of the Shophetim (Judges) was all about God teaching and demonstrating to not only Israel but ALL of mankind that without a king to govern them, they are utterly helpless and hopeless.
Such is the extent of man’s sinful condition.
Without an earthly authority to keep our butts in line, it is inevitable we will descend into depravity.
In fact, forget about just the book of Judges…
I’d say the whole history of the human race demonstrates this fact.
Now this might come as a surprise to you…
But the Bible does NOT support a democratic-style of government.
I know probably every American who just read that last sentence cringed.
But it’s true.
God does NOT promote democracy as the solution to mankind’s ills.
He promotes a monarchy.
But here’s the thing.
The Lord does NOT promote your typical worldly monarchy.
Actually, let me back up and rephrase that.
So here’s the real thing:
Whether it’s a democracy, communism, tribalism, a monarchy or whatever…
Because as long as sinful men are in charge, any government system is eventually gonna go off the rails…
Heck, all you gotta do is take a look at the state of our world today…
It’s pure CHAOS man!
So don’t lose sight of that FOUNDATIONAL lesson the period of the judges provided us.
This era was all the evidence we need to know that without strong central rule, society falls the hell apart …
Especially when you think about the fact that Israel had every advantage since they were led by God Himself…
Yet they still couldn’t overcome the sinful tendencies that reside in all of us.
Eventually selfish ambitions and the lust for power took over…
And when things get too out of control, the Lord has two ways to respond.
He can either destroy mankind (which is what He did with the great flood during Noah’s time)…
Or He can choose to save us…
Fortunately for us, the Scriptures make it clear He has chosen to save us.
And He will do that by sending Israel and the world a KING!
So am I not allowed to speak positively about a democracy or republic?
Where there is positivity, sure, speak positively about those institutions.