I want to you ask you a question that I think may seriously overturn certain theological assumptions you have harbored all of your life.
On the precipice of Armageddon, whose feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and split the mountain in two?
Well, let’s take a look at the Scriptures for our answer.
Then Adonai will go out
and fight against those nations,
fighting as on a day of battle.
4 On that day his feet will stand
on the Mount of Olives,
which lies to the east of Yerushalayim;
and the Mount of Olives will be split in half
from east to west, to make a huge valley.
-Zechariah 14:3-4
The above excerpt is from the Complete Jewish Bible.
Let’s take a look at the same verses in the King James Version.
Then shall the Lord go forth,
and fight against those nations,
as when he fought in the day of battle.
And his feet shall stand in that day
upon the mount of Olives,
which is before Jerusalem on the east,
and the mount of Olives
shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east
and toward the west,
-Zechariah 14:3-4
Now pretty much any Christian I have ever spoken to assumes that it is Yeshua whose feet will land on and then split the Mount of Olives.
It seems to make sense, right?
Especially since Yeshua is normally referred to as “Lord” in the Scriptures.
However, we encounter a big problem when we examine the original Hebrew. So let’s read the verses again and insert God’s proper name back into the Scriptures as it exists in the original Hebrew text.
Then YHVH will go out
and fight against those nations,
fighting as on a day of battle.
On that day his feet will stand
on the Mount of Olives,
which lies to the east of Yerushalayim;
and the Mount of Olives will be split in half
from east to west, to make a huge valley.
Okay, now we’ve got a problem.
The original Hebrew says that it is YAHWEH Himself and NOT Yeshua who will descend on the Mount of Olives.
For those of you who have been taught or always assumed that it was Yeshua who was going to touch the Mount of Olives, it looks like you are going to have to reevaluate your end time assumptions.
I believe this is a perfect example showing why it is so important to put God’s real name back into the Scriptures instead of using generic terms like “Adonai” or “Lord”.
The problem we encounter is that both YAHWEH and YESHUA are called LORD in our English bibles.
(I’ve already explained how OT human apparitions called YAHWEH are NOT Yeshua in previous posts. If you want to learn more about this or review read post 18-2 by clicking here and post 19-2 by clicking here.)
So who are we talking about when we encounter the word “Lord” in the Scriptures?
The distinction between God and the Messiah becomes blurred.
Erroneous teachings and concepts that just do not match up with what the Scripture says have been mistakenly promoted due to the use of or to be more accurate the lack of the use of God’s name.
I said this before and I’m going to say it again.
In your English bibles whenever you see the word God, Lord, or Adonai, 99% of the time the original Hebrew will be what is called the tetragrammaton, in other words, God’s name spelled out Yud, Heh, Vav, Heh.
And when I say 99%, I am not exaggerating.
In the Scriptures, God’s name appears about 6000 times.
However, if you were to go through any modern English bible and literally count out the number of times Yahweh or Jehovah is used, at most you would come to about a 100 times.
So what happened to the other 5900 times?
For whatever messed up reason, the words “Lord” or “God” were used instead.
And by the way, this is no big secret nor is it disputed by Bible scholars, either Jewish or Christian.
One final point before I close.
Many believers assume that the depiction of the Mount Olive splitting is to be found in the New Testament (usually in the Book of Revelations)
They are wrong.
The description of this event is only to be found in the Tanach in the book of Zechariah.
>>>Then YHVH will go out and fight against those nations, fighting as on a day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,<<<
You really run into another problem when saying it is God Himself who will stand on the Mount. The universe cannot contain His being and He has no form. This is why it says He sends His Word to stand inleu of Himself. It is physically impossible for God to stand on the Mount. Jesus has that Word ingraphed into Him. Jesus [Messiah] is an exact replication\image of God here on earth and stands inleu of God. For Messiah to be standing on the Mount is for God to stand on the Mount.
Yahusha is Yahuah
A distinction is made in the Scriptures between the two that should be respected.
Your wrong Yeshu is Jesus the false prophet and devil he changed the scriptures and Yeshua is Joshua son of Joseph Yahweh is God name mixed up but to speak that holy name condemns you and curses you don’t fear In the end the Bibles only half true and God said do not trust anything that foretells the future for it is of witchcraft and devil’s how do I know you’ll see in the end all the truth will be revealed truth is God forgives us and humans are not capable of being evil they are corrupted into worshipping false idols and a angel in disguise the true God has made mistakes but also is fixing them and the bet is over our Creator won he’s always been here waiting watching and the holy wars are about to be thru the Father son and ghost idea is Satan Lucifer and what we call the devil there not the same thing or person ones a dragon one a angel and one I’d call a demon man that chose corruption to tell you the truth only the wicked will pay there’s no condemnation for trying to find God there is in worshipping a man named Jesus Yeshua is Joshua Yeshu is Jesus a evil person will always pay for what they do as God the truth comes out you’ll see the demons of Jesus rise to battle you then YHWH will fight for his children and the truth
Explain why יהושע tells Phillip”if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. How then ask you, show us the Father?” Also, “the Father and I are One (AChaD). And of course, the 3rd witness, Yahuchanan, Chapter 1…and the Word (Dabar) became flesh….following “The Word was ALUaH”. *I don’t use the ‘g’ word.
Carlos, All I can say is that the Scriptures make a distinction in the Scriptures between the Father and the Son that should be respected.
It’s ok all have been deceived Satan is not Lucifer and neither is the devil but the truth of our God will come thru and he is a merciful God and creator not our Father your mother and father created your soul from parts of themselves and all of us here have been here few times at least but worshipping Jesus is the reason we’re here only the old testament is true sound doctrine the new testament full of lies look at the ancient Hebrew manuscript and see for yourself
And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Y’shua, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Thanks for sharing.
Whatever action the Shaliah (YaHshua ha-Mashiach) is sent (shalach) to perform (in this case to put the Shaliah’s feet down on Mt tzyion), it is as good as the one who sent him (YHWH) putting HIS own feet there.
Likewise, when the hands of the Shaliah was pierced, it was as good as piercing the hands of the One Who shalach him.
Luke :
“12:44 YAHshua cried out and said, Whoever trusts in Me, trusts not in Me, but in HIM WHO sent Me.”
Great comment.
Thanks for sharing.