“Abraham said to God, “If only Ishma‘el could live in your presence!”
-Genesis 17:18
Let’s talk a little bit about Abraham pleading with God to let Ishmael be his heir.
I think many of us tend to adopt a very condescending attitude towards Ishmael, if not outright demonize him because in our minds we associate him with the Arabs whom we in turn associate with the religion of Islam.
I think this negativity is quite misplaced.
Abraham loved Ishmael greatly.
In his mind, Ishmael was his first born son.
He never thought of him as anything else but his lawful, beloved, inheritor.
He so desperately wanted Ishmael to inherit the promise.
Personally, I have the greatest of respect for the Arab peoples.
I think they are very intelligent and are among the richest people on the planet.
Remember, out of Noah’s three sons, they also come from the blessed line of Shem.
Nevertheless, God will not budge and insists that a child will be born from Sarai’s womb.
God tells Abraham that he is to call this child Isaac and that it is with him and his offspring that an everlasting covenant will be established.
Right here in these verses we have the origin of the current Mideast crisis that is going to soon explode into a conflict involving practically every nation in the world.
Muslims today claim that this portion of Scripture has been tampered with to falsely show that Isaac is to be the favored one.
However, the religion of Islam didn’t even come into being until about 600 years after Yeshua’s death and resurrection.
Nevertheless, Muslims call both Ishmael and Abraham the father of Islam.
This is not true.
The Jewish Scriptures were canonized way before Mohammed had his vision in the desert.
The conclusion is very clear.
God rejected Ishmael as the one who would carry on the line of covenant promise that God had made with Abraham.
It would be Isaac.
What an absolute load of balderdash, Ishmael had already been thrown out when Isaac was weaned. It is these sorts of lies which bring discredit on the Jewish community and leads more and more people to take on board antisemitism.
My e-pinion is affirmative; Tawrat states Hagar and her son Blessed Prophet Ishmael (PBUH) were sadly and reluctantly cast out by Abraham /Ibrihim as a result of a negative emotional exchange which occured at the weaning party of Yitzchak (Isaac). But the timing of their sadly dangerous departure is to me not of great importance… of more importance is the issue of the intention of Allah (SWT) who has told us that of these two sons of Abraham will come Two Great Nations. Abraham / Ibrihim (PBUH) has a heart rightfully guided by Allah (SWT) in accordance of the will of Allah/El who made all according to his will including if and when to sow the inspiration of Peace into the hearts of todays Believers who carry the monotheistic tradition of Abraham / Ibrihim through the Blessed 12 tribes of Ishmael or 12 Tribes of Yitzcak (or both). The Land Rights of Earth are to be of less importance than the Real Estate of The World to Come. Jahanna. The peace has come in my heart. I pray Allah/Adonai continue to unveil my heart to love, my eyes to see His Glory, my ears to hear His Guidance. Let us ALL be on the Straight Path of Wisdom and Peace in accordance with acceptance of His Will. Where Believers differ let Him deliberate at the Day of Reckoning Yawm Al-Din. If we knew what’s best for us we’d be peacefull and work on our inner self-purafications and upholding our respective relationships with the One Living G-d. L’Chaim, Shalom Alaychem, WasSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulla Wa Barakatuh, Baruch Atta Adonai. Maliki Yawm Madin