“When Avram heard that his nephew had been taken captive, he led out his trained men, who had been born in his house, 318 of them, and went in pursuit as far as Dan. “-Genesis 14:14
It is interesting to note that the strategy that Abram employed in the rescue mission to reacquire Lot was a surprise attack at night.
This is the same strategy Israel used against the Egyptians in the 6-day war that resulted in the taking back of Jerusalem.
Next, for those of you who can read Hebrew, take a look at the following word:
It is the name of Abraham’s servant Eliezer.
For those of you who have studied basic Hebrew, you know that each Hebrew letter has a corresponding numerical value.
Let’s calculate the numerical value of Eliezer’s name as follows:
Eliezer’s letters add up to exactly 318!
One Jewish commentary has said that Abraham’s victory over the kings was NOT due to the assistance of 318 men but of one single helper.
Furthermore, a literal translation of the name Eliezer means “God is my help“.
So a more spiritual or mystical reading of this text (and the Scriptures do contain multiple levels of interpretation) would reveal that ultimately Abraham’s helper was God.
He defeated the kings with faith rather than force!
Man is this INSPIRING!!!
So many people try to find numeric meaning without knowing the truth or the history of the one, holy and apostolic Church – Orthodox Christianity.
For us it’s simple. 318 holy fathers gathered at the first Ecumenical Council in Nicea (that condemned the heresies of the time) therefore defeating the enemy (satan that works through heretics). Just as Abraam defeated the earthly enemies with 318 men.
Thanks for sharing Alex but I don’t know if I can accept your theory. The Ecumenical Council in Nicea?! Isn’t that the anti-semitical group that established the ridiculous ‘trinity’ idea?
Anti-Semitical? Who established that ridiculous idea? If it was for the Orthodox Faithful at the Ecumenical Council of Nicea (I), there would be no Christianity, no Holy Scriptures and no Biblical Prophecy – The Holy Trinity forbid!
The Arian heresy would have survived beyond what it does today and the Gospel would be void and we wouldn’t know about the Anti-Christ (False Messias), who will deceive many. I’m amazed at how many decide to follow the Judaic sages directly down into the serpent’s belly. BUT, the heretics, infidels, non-believers, etc. all have the same father – Satan, so…
does IHT equate with Jesus+ the cross?
Very interesting. I agree with hebrew meaning of the 318 men. Adonai Tsva’ot fought the battle for Avraham with the help of just the one faithful servant Eliazer to his master, Hashem intervened. Learning Hebrew helps me understand this concept. I am excited!
Glad you liked this Margalit. Be blessed and Shalom!
Thank you for the many insights that made the written Word even more interesting!
Glad you liked this Leonisa. Be blessed and shalom.