Nimrod represents a pattern of what the anti-Christ will be like when he finally appears on the world stage.
Actually, there have been many types of Antichrists who have already appeared on the world stage.
Pharaoh whom Moses stood down in the Book of Exodus could be considered a type of Anti-Christ.
Antiochus Epiphanies who desecrated the second Jewish temple, could also be considered an anti-Christ.
Hitler was definitely a type of anti-Christ.
In fact, many actually thought he was the anti-Christ.
Now is it not interesting that the anti-Christ will be called the “man of lawlessness“?
Did you get that?
He will be called a man against the Law of God.
He will be anti-Torah.
The devil has already done a great job in fooling the Christian church into believing that the first five books of their Bibles have no relevance to their walk with the Lord.
Starting with the Roman catholic church era, paganism invaded the first church in Jerusalem to the point where it would be barely recognizable to any of the original members.
It is important to understand that Nimrod is a type who foreshadows the coming of the anti-Christ who will basically try to do the same thing that Nimrod attempted.
The anti-Christ will attempt to bring the whole world under a one-government rule.
In fact, right now we see the whole world moving in this direction.
Furthermore, in preaching tolerance, world harmony, peace at any cost, and promoting the teaching that the Torah has been done away with and instead we should just trust the goodness of our hearts, the modern church unknowingly is playing into the devil’s hands and helping bringing about the satanic one-government rule prophesied in the Scriptures.
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.”-1 John 2:18
Yes!!! And like Nimrod, Jeroboam I was a type of Antichrist. He, Nimrod, and the Antichrist are or were rebellious men, men who rebelled against God and His established order. Jeroboam I and the Antichrist changed and will change times and seasons. Jeroboam I ruled over 10 tribes and their tribal leaders. The Antichrist will rule over 10 kingdoms and their kings.
Hi im a new reader here, im just curious about Nimrod, where can i read about him since i cant find details of him in Genesis.
You can read about him right here. Or do a search under “Nimrod” and you should be able to pull up several articles about Nimrod.