In Genesis Chapter 10, we are told that the start of Nimrod’s kingdom began in Babylon, Erec, and Accad.
Now all of these cities were located in a place called the Land of Shinar (modern day Iraq in our times).
Furthermore, in Genesis Chapter 11, we are told the following:
It came about that as they traveled from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shin‘ar and lived there.-Genesis 11:2
So the construction of the Tower of Babel was being spearheaded by Nimrod himself.
Let’s talk a little bit about Nimrod because there is much more to him than meets the eye.
Nimrod was born from Cush who came from the cursed line of Ham.
Nimrod took a lady named Semiramis to be his wife.
Semiramis proclaimed herself to be the Queen of Heaven.
After Nimrod died, his wife proclaimed him to be God.
They had a son who was named Tamuz.
Now interestingly Tamuz was considered to be the reincarnation of the God-man Nimrod.
So we have Nimrod who is God the father, Semiramis, the queen of heaven who is considered to be the mother, and the son who is considered to be the incarnation of the father.
Doesn’t this teaching strangely resemble something you may have learned in a Christian church?
Can you see how the Christian teaching of the trinity had its origins in paganism?
Just know this.
All false religions have their beginning in Nimrod.
These are also known as the “Mystery Babylon Religions”.
No wonder the Jewish people have always been at such odds with Christianity.
It is interesting to note that the names of Nimrod and Semiramis have changed throughout the centuries depending upon which culture and language they appeared in.
Here is a brief snapshot of the names that Nimrod and Semiramis went by as they were adopted by different cultures.
In the Bible, Nimrod is also known as:
-Ninus (the god-man who built Ninevah),
Semiramis (as the mother of all mothers was considered to be the fertility goddess):
-In Egypt, her name was Isis
-In India, her name was Indrani
-In Asia, her name was Cybelle
-In Canaan (now the holy land), her name was Ashtoreth or Astarte
-In modern day English, her name is now Easter
It is also interesting to note that although the word Babel now means disorder and confusion, it originally meant the “City of God”.
Remember “el” means “god”.
Look closely at the spelling of the word “bav-el”.
We know from the account of the Tower of Babel that all the languages of the world originated from one language.
However, it is also true that all the pagan religions of the world have their origin from that one source as well.
“Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it … From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity” (The Story of Civilization, Caesar and Christ, Will Durant, Part III, 1944, p. 595).
While seeking to condemn the paganism of Roman Catholicism, Hislop produced his own myths. By so doing, he theorized that Nimrod, Adonis, Apollo, Attes, Baal-zebub, Bacchus, Cupid, Dagon, Hercules, Januis, Linus, Lucifer, Mars, Merodach, Mithra, Moloch, Narcissus, Oannes, Odin, Orion, Osiris, Pluto, Saturn, Teitan, Typhon, Vulcan, Wodan, and Zoroaster were all one and the same. By mixing myths, Hislop supposed that Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod and was the same as Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Aurora, Bellona, Ceres, Diana, Easter, Irene, Iris, Juno, Mylitta, Proserpine, Rhea, Venus, and Vesta.
Take enough names, enough stories, and enough centuries; translate from one language to another; and a careless writer of the future might pass on all kinds of misinformation.
Feel free to read more and correct your misunderstanding at:
This is very intriguing. I was born and raised to accept the Holy Trinity in the Lutheran church… back in 2007, my Darling husband and I began to break away from denominations of all sorts. We did this because as we read the Bible ourselves, we noted that much of what is taught in modern christian denominations is false or just not there or twisted in some fashion. We originally claimed to be Christians with Jewish beliefs. This was before We knew Messianic Judaism was a thing. Today, we do not attend a church, temple, synagogue, etc.. but we firmly believe that Yeshua promised where two or more gathered in His name he was there also. I have always wondered how Yeshua and the Ruach fit with the Trinity. I mean, YHVH is omnipresent and can be anywhere he wants at multiple times right? So I have wondered that. But Just as a husband and wife are considered ONE body, it is possible that YHVH, Yeshua, and the Ruach HaKodesh are one body in the same way. All one but separate entities at the same time? Thank you for sharing this. I will spend more time praying and asking YHVH to open my heart and spirit to His truth, stripping away all the incorrect teachings of this world. I did not know that about Nimrod and his wife either. This makes sense with the “mother worship” you see depicted much today, especially in one denomination more than the others. I doubt Miryam/Mary would have wanted to be worshiped, AND Yeshua said HE was our mediator, not her. That one has always thrown me as well, but more in a way of, …. Really?? Are you reading the same Bible as me? I see no mention of praying to Miryam/Mary.
This is all true, Yeshua was the Only begotten of the Father Adonai Elohanu, The self existing One!
God was in Christ or the Meshiach reconciling the world unto Himself! The fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Him. Yeshuah came he said to glorify the Fathers Name. In Genesis chapter One verse 2 The Spirit of God
(RUACH) moved upon the face of the waters. Now look in Matthew chapter One verse 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: when his mother mary was espoused,to joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy ghost. RUACH! See Luke chapter 1 verses 26 through to verse 35.
Also Like chapter2 verses 25 to 32. The Name Yeshuah in Hebrew means Salvation, for Jew or Gentile!
For there is no other Name under heaven whereby we must be saved! Also He is thee Light of the World.
I don’t disagree with you, but there’s no bible scripture that talks about Nimrod’s wife. It would be hard to agree this to a die hard trinitarian? I definitely agree all false religion came from Nimrod, and was further adopted by Roman Catholics in the Councils (that introduced the trinity officially).
No problem even if you do disagree. This is how believers grow. By discussing these things in an open-minded manner. Appreciate your comments. Be blessed and Shalom.
Lucifer, now known as the devil is Our Creator’s adversary and humanities enemy, once was very close to his creator Our Creator. Though satan no longer lives in the 3rd heaven where Our Father Our Creator lives, from the 2nd heaven where his headquarters are, once in a while he shows up before Our Father alongside the sons of God.
From the knowledge we have of the fallen stars closeness to his creator Our Creator Our Father, it is not a stretch of the imagination to say Lucifer knew of Our Father’s hierarchical structure of His Kingdom, and of Our Father’s plan of salvation for humanity.
Am I taking my imagination to places unknown to suggest to you that, satan armed with this knowledge of the hierarchical structure of God’s Kingdom, sought to duplicate that in his kingdom; and is out to imitate everything Our Father has planned for humanity by introducing his evil version of salvation, before Our Father’s good plan is unveiled to humanity?
You have heard of counterfeits…why is it so hard then to see all other triune versions, before Christianity was unveiled, were just that, evil versions of Our Father’s hierarchical Kingdom of God structure ?
The devil, as is known, for his own motives is out to blind souls to the authentic genuine love of God, by stealing, killing and destroying humanities attention or worship of Our Father, as he in opposition to his Creator Our Creator Our Father, by introducing his sacrilegious versions of the triune hierarchical structure of the kingdom of satan with its anti-christs strewn throughout history.
That such triune gods we have had them before Christianity, doesn’t take away of the fact, Christianity’s trinity is the real deal, and through this real deal of Christianity’s trinity, is Our Father’s plan of salvation from the power of sin, curses and eternal damnation in the hereafter.
Before Our Father unveiled His Salvation for humanity; satan to muddle waters went out and installed his counterfeit triune religions from this region to that region.
Put these triune gods throughout history along side Christianity’s trinity, the Father the Son Yehoshuwa, and the Lord Holy Spirit…and discerningly genuinely yourself which is a counterfeit, a fake, and which is real.
Let the living word of God help you. Let the Father’s grace through the faith of Jesus Christ help you in this quest. Father in Your mercy open the eyes of those blinded by sin and demons to the Salvation, the grace and truth You have given us in and through Our Lord and Saviour Yehoshuwa by the Holy Spirit.
In the stories of Prophet Elijah and the prophets of baal showdown of who is the true God, that outcome showed us who the true God is;
Lastly, the showdown between Moshe under Elohim, and the Egyptian sorcerers under Pharaoh in the attempt to release the People of God out of bondage, told us which trinity is the real deal…that is, who is the genuine God.
Have you seen God’s plundering of hell in and through Prophet T.B Joshua in SCOAN…have you seen the continuation of that same glory in the Wisemen and numerous disciples of Prophet T.B Joshua…are you paying attention to Our present day triune God setting captives free from the fierce and warriors in the 5 T.B Joshuas and numerous disciples?
Yeah, about counterfeiting you’re totally right, but the problem with Trinity is that Jesus didn’t die, and if he didn’t die… Well we have a lot of problems really, either God can die, or Jesus didn’t die at all and both opportunities is horrible to even think about.
It also could be that pagan Trinity was set up to fool everyone with the “real” Trinity, kinda of a double dupe haha, we have to unswer the question about Jesus’ death to understand this, so yeah, God bless!
Quoting Andrew Gabriel Roth, Aramaic English New Testament:
*Marcion 110-160 AD
Marcion taught that God exists in ‘persons.’ Marcion’s theology divided the ‘Godhead’ against itself, following a very common pagan mindset that the gods are at war with each other. p 833.
#Tertullian, 155-230 AD
Tertullian compartmentalized the ‘Godhead’ and coined the word ‘Trinity’ which, of course, is one of the most cherished doctrines of the Christian Church today. p 834.
Thanks for sharing Bruce.